Family Garden Day

child in garden taking photos

Join us for Family Garden Day and spend the morning learning about the plants and animals that call Pinecrest Gardens home.

10 AM TO 2 PM

Celebrate our Village wide initiative, Happiness and enjoy garden activities, partner exhibitor workshops, entertainment, and more. Special sensory hours are available for cognitive-sensitive families.


TICKETED EVENT: Pre-registration is encouraged. Members receive discount at the door.


Know Before You Go!


With the popularity of our large events, we encourage you to plan ahead when coming to a festival. Free parking is located in the following locations:

Pinecrest Gardens parking lot. Staff will close the lot when it reaches full capacity, allowing vehicles in as guests depart.

Village Green field behind the Pinecrest Community Center.

Red Road / 57th Avenue along the east side of Pinecrest Gardens. Visitors can park on grass along the road; do not park on the sidewalk and bike trail.



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