Visual Arts
We believe in celebrating the creative life of all people through visual arts experiences including exhibitions and community programs that educate and connect people to nature through art appreciation and art-making. And we believe art is for everyone, and program exhibits, demonstrations, talks, and workshops are pathways for our entire community to share in the connectedness art can spark.
Since its refurbishment and reopening in 2017, the Cypress Hall has presented temporary fine art exhibitions and our Hibiscus Gallery has featured art works from our Artists-in-Residence as well as visiting artists. In addition to presenting established fine artists, our indoor gallery walls have also presented thousands of community and student art works in community exhibitions, giving students and emerging artists an opportunity to present their creations.
Pinecrest Gardens has also sought to enhance the garden visitor experience through the major exhibitions of international contemporary artwork installed in the Garden since 2014 – it is our belief that art placed on a botanical stage, creates an inspiring environment, foster innovation and wonder.