Greater Miami Symphonic Band: A Young People’s Concert

GMSB - Young Peoples Concert 10.22.23.png

On Sunday, October 27th at 4:00 PM, at Pinecrest Garden’s Banyan Bowl, 11000 Red Road, Pinecrest, FL, the band will present a YOUNG PEOPLE’S CONCERT featuring "Spongebob Squarepants,” "Willy Wonka,” and “The Old Grumbly Bear” (Tuba solo by Dennis Lejardi), "I've Made My Plans For The Summer" (featuring vocalist, Susie Blank Wolfe), "Feuerfest Polka"  (Anvil solo by Dexter Dwight), and other music for the young at heart. It will be a fun concert for kids of all ages. Bring the whole family, friends, and colleagues!

Robert Longfield, Conductor 



  • Sunday, October 27, 2024 | 04:00 PM


Banyan Bowl, 11000 Red Road, Pinecrest FL, 33156, View Map

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